Men and women think, talk, and act differently — a fact which causes problems for writers who are trying to create convincing characters of the opposite sex.
Award-winning author Leigh Michaels shares the secrets of why and how men and women are different– and how to use those differences to create realistic (but not stereotypical) characters.
Leigh Michaels is the author of more than 100 books, including 80 contemporary romance novels, a dozen historical romance novels, non-fiction books about writing, and local history books. More than 35 million copies of her books have been printed in 25 languages around the world. She is a six-time finalist in the Romance Writers of America RITA contest, and was honored by Iowa Library Association with the Johnson Brigham Award for an Iowa author making a contribution to literature world-wide. For more information about her, visit her website at
Available in print, ebook, and audio book.
52 pages.